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Completely Updated for 2023/2024 with 40 NEW lectures coding activities and projects!
Learn What It Takes to Code Dynamic, Professional Websites and Web Apps From The Comfort of Your Own Home
Do you ever browse the internet wondering how your favorite websites were built? Facebook, Twitter, Amazon—they were all created by people who at one point in time didn’t know anything about coding. How did they obtain this knowledge?
In this comprehensive course, I’m going to show you everything you need to know so that you can follow in these people’s footsteps.
You’re going to learn how to code AND you’re going to become a certified professional from a recognized international trainer. And best of all, you’re going to have fun doing it.
You Don’t Have to Be a Genius or a Mathematical Wizard.
So many people believe that you must have a special ‘gift’ to create professional-quality, dynamic websites/web apps. I’m here to tell you once and for all that this is false. All you need to have is the desire to learn and the ability to follow instructions—that’s it!
Our course starts teaching basic coding principles and develops your coding skills in a variety of languages from beginner through to advanced. Here it is, once and for all, a complete guide that will take you from novice to web developer.
Skip Hours of Frustration and Thousands of Wasted Dollars and Become 100% Certified
The internet has changed the rules of doing business. More and more companies are migrating online while many new, never before seen businesses are created every day thanks to the power of this phenomenon. You know what that means? Higher demand for people just like you!
But the problem for these businesses is that while demand is high, supply is short.
Please don’t let a lack of knowledge stop you from having the career of your dreams, not when the knowledge you need is right here and is extremely affordable.
Don’t worry, you won’t need to buy any additional courses, it’s all here. No need to spend four years and over $15,000 per year in college tuition either—it really is all here. From HTML to CSS then to Javascript and finally PHP, you will learn how to Become a Certified Web Developer.
It Doesn’t Matter Where You’re Starting From…You Can Do It!
● You’re planning on studying coding at college and want to build a rock-solid foundation so that you have a huge head start before your course begins?
● You’re dissatisfied with your current job and want to learn exactly what it takes to become a fully qualified web developer?
● You’re currently working in IT but want to expand your skill base so that you’re 100% up to date with the latest developments in web technology?
● You want to develop mobile apps or websites on the side to create some additional income while retaining your current job?
Learn Skills That Will Benefit You for The Rest of Your Life
– Imagine being able to create a web app that is downloaded by millions of paying customers—or a website that’s visited by people from all seven continents.
– Imagine the limitless opportunities that having these programming skills will give you.
– Imagine working in a field that challenges you and allows you to express yourself freely every day.
– Imagine being paid extremely well for developing products and services that can help change people’s lives.
Stop imagining and take action! It’s time to start your journey. Your future is waiting for you…
Four Certifications in One
The unique Certified Web Development Professional credential will provide proof that you have mastered the fundamental skills needed by new web developers. You’ll have a full understanding of HTML5, the language used to structure web sites and many mobile applications that you use every day. From there, you’ll move on to Javascript– the language of interaction on the web. The use of Javascript is growing at a lightning pace and it’s been called “the most important language to learn today,” by multiple experts.
Each language carries its own individual Specialist Designation for which you earn a certificate, the privilege of using the specialist credential badge, and a personal online transcript page that shows your designations, certification, and accomplishments.
Prepare for Valuable Industry Certifications
This course is specially designed to prepare you for the Web Development Professional Certification from LearnToProgram, Inc. This certification will allow you to prove that you have achieved competencies in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript– everything you need to create basic web applications. New for 2023: No exams are required to earn your certifications. Complete and submit all the lab activities for the course program and you’ll earn your new certifications!
Certified Web Developers will receive:
A printable certificate indicating the new certification that you can present to employers or prospects
A letter explaining the certification and its value to a prospective employer. The letter will state exactly what mastery the certification represents
Authorization to use the LearnToProgram Certified Web Developer Badge on your website and marketing materials
Automatic linkage to your LinkedIn account to display your certification
Your tools are almost as important as the languages you know. As a new developer, potential employers are going to expect you to know specific tools. In these videos, Framework instructors are going to review some of the most important development tools used today.
Mark introduces the Tools Section in this video.
Code is developed inside an IDE: Integrated Development Environment.
Asking a developer which IDE they prefer is a little bit like asking which religion is best. Our current recommendation for users is VSCode. VSCode is a state-of-the art code editing tool from Microsoft. It has standard IDE features like code completion, but it has a number of other features-- like multiple line editing-- that make it special.
First download VSCode at code.visualstudio.com. Then, watch Framework's Josh Nussbaum explain VS code to you! Enjoy!
It's your first interview for the job you always wanted: web developer.
"Sit down," says the interviewer, "I'm Paul."
"Now let's take a look at your GitHub."
For jobs with technical companies, your GitHub portfolio may be the single most important element that determines whether or not you get that all-important first job in industry.
Join Framework's Spencer Reynolds for a review of the fundamentals of GitHub. Once you have your GitHub repo going, it should be where you store every piece of code you write.
In this first video, Mark will introduce you to the tools you need in order to learn HTML5. Mark will review the plugins you need to code HTML5 with Visual Studio Code, and you'll create your first HTML5 script and see the result in your browser.
In this video, Mark will review the fundamentals of text markup with the HTML5 heading tags and paragraph tag. Mark will also review HTML5 lists.
Semantic HTML is code that is self-documenting. The purpose of semantic elements is apparent from the element name. In this video, Mark will review how to use semantic HTML tags.
HTML5 Hyperlinks are used to move users from one page to another within a site or between sites on the web. In this video, Mark will teach you to make external HTML5 links, internal HTML5 links, and named anchors, which are hyperlinks that navigate within a page.
In this video from our full course on HTML5, you'll learn to place images, audio, and video content on a web page. Mark will demonstrate all of the HTML you need to work with media in today's video in this HTML5 Full Course for Beginners.
You'll learn to place images, audio, and video content on a web page. Mark will demonstrate all of the HTML you need to work with media in today's video in this HTML5 Full Course for Beginners.
Forms are often the most critical aspect of your website. Well-designed forms will allow users to easily convert-- meaning submit their information, make a purchase, or sign up for a mailing list. Poorly designed forms will cause users to abandon the page. In this video from our HTML5 Full Course for Beginners series, you'll learn to create text-based forms in which the user can enter information.
In this video, Mark will discuss additional form elements like checkboxes and radio buttons. Thanks for taking the course! I hope you these videos helped you learn HTML. HTML and HTML forms are foundational to web development, and you'll benefit significantly from knowing them.
In this video, Mark will demonstrate placing in-line CSS, CSS in the document head, as well as placing CSS in a linked file.
Typography on the web should be readable and attractive. In this video, Mark will review the various typographical adjustments that can be made with CSS.
CSS page layout is based on a box model which places every element displayed in an adjustable box. Mark explains the box model and how to adjust boxes with CSS in this video.
CSS is not just used to adjust the look of elements on the page, but also to place them on the page in a pleasing arrangement. Mark reviews CSS layout techniques, like positioning and floats in this video.
In this video, Mark will review the more contemporary page layout techniques such as Flexbox.
Forms pages are among the most important pages within a website. In this video, Mark will demonstrate how to create forms that are usable and attractive.
As people use a wider and wider diversity of screen sizes and resolutions, responsive design becomes more important so you can create for all screen sizes. Mark introduces the CSS you need for responsive design in this video.
Have some fun as Mark demonstrates the basics of CSS animation.
You'll dive right in and start writing your first JavaScript code as you learn how to output strings and values
Simply put, variables are containers that hold values. In this video, you'll be introduced to variables and the types of values that they can hold or reference.
In this video, Mark will show you how to complete arithmetic using JavaScript variables and expressions.
Every coding language needs a way of making decisions. It is conditional statements that allow code to make decisions. Mark demonstrates in this video
Switch... Case statements allow you to evaluate a number of conditions at once. You'll learn Switch conditionals in this video.
Loops are important coding constructs that allow you to execute code while some condition is true. Mark demonstrates two common types of loops in this video.
For loops are an abbreviated style of loop that provides a more compact syntax. You'll learn how to use For loops in this video.
So far, we've used variables to hold a single value. Arrays allow you to reference multiple values in a list form using a single variable name.
Functions are a section of repeatable code that can be executed whenever needed in JavaScript. Mark demonstrates older and current function syntax and several types of functions in this video.
Sets and Maps are data structures optimized for holding specific types of data. Mark will demonstrate how to use these fundamental data structures in this video.
JavaScript is an event-driven language. In this video, you'll learn how to write code that responds to events.
You can control audio content with JavaScript. Mark demonstrates the basics in this video.
JavaScript gives you full control over video content. Mark demonstrates in this video.
JavaScript apps often interact with other systems to exchange data. In this video, Mark will demonstrate how the fetch() command is used to obtain external data.
JSON provides a method for exchanging data in a plain text format that also is in the format of a native JavaScript object. You will learn how JSON is used in this video.
XML is another common format used to exchange text data between systems in a nonproprietary manner. In this video, Mark will demonstrate building an app that uses XML (eXtensible Markup Language) for data exchange.
Promises prevent race conditions in code-- where processes occur on their own timelines. For example, it is impossible to predetermine how long it may take to receive external data from a server. Promise structures are used to work with asynchronous processes in JavaScript. Mark demonstrates this in this video.
Async/Await provide a cleaner, easier-to-read syntax for working with asynchronous processes in JavaScript. Mark will show you how to use async and await in this video.
Every coding language has the ability to manipulate strings. Mark demonstrates string manipulation in JavaScript in this video.
Every coding language has the ability to manipulate strings. Mark demonstrates string manipulation in JavaScript in this video.
Object Oriented Coding provides a unique framework for solving problems by breaking all elements into Classes and Objects. Mark shows how classes and objects are used in this video.
The JavaScript canvas provides a surface for images, drawings, and animation within the browser window. Mark demonstrates how to write canvas code in JavaScript in this video.
The JavaScript canvas provides a surface for images, drawings, and animation within the browser window. Mark demonstrates how to write canvas code in JavaScript in this video.
Complete and submit this final exercise to receive your certification! Congratulations!
Join Mark as he warmly welcomes you to the adventure of building a High-Converting Sales Page. Get a clear roadmap of the exciting journey you're about to embark on and a sneak peek at the vital skills you're set to acquire.
Mark unveils the end product of your learning journey. Witness the full potential of a high-converting sales page in action, from its responsive design to seamless functionality, all crafted beautifully using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Mark guides you through the architectural blueprint of our sales page—the HTML code. Unravel the essence of each line of code, and witness the transformation of text into captivating visual elements on the browser window.
Dive into the world of CSS, the artist behind the aesthetics of our high-converting sales page. Together with Mark, explore how the CSS breathes life into the HTML structure, styling each element to perfection and creating an impressive visual impact on the screen.
Engage with the magic of interactivity powered by JavaScript in the concluding video. Mark demystifies the dynamic aspects of the sales page, taking you under the hood of how JavaScript adds an exciting, user-friendly touch to the project.
This app uses HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript to create a weight loss tracking application. The localStorage API stores data "permanently" for the application. This app also uses a Figma prototype for design.
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